Unit VI Policy frameworks on education: Post-independent India
Major recommendations of Kothari Commission (1964-1966) - Iswar Bhai Patel Committee (1977)- Malcom Adiseshiah Committee (1978)- New Education Policy (1986) - Programme of Action (1992)- Sachar Committee (2005) - Salient features of National Curriculum Framework (2005)- National Knowledge Commission (2005).
pursuance of the constitutional mandate, the Government of India, has initiated
several measures for social and economic reconstruction of the country. The
educational reconstruction has been one among such measures. Various
commissions and committees were appointed at different times to survey, study,
review and recommend improvements in the existing system, policies and
programmes of education.
Major recommendations of Kothari Commission (1964-1966)
Appointment of the Kothari Commission
Kothari Commission was appointed on 14th
July, 1964, consisted of 17 members, and Dr. D.S. Kothari, chairman of the
U.G.C. was appointed as the chairman of the commission. Among the members of
the commission 5 educationists were from England, America, France, Japan and
The Unique Features of the Education Commission
All the earlier commissions
did not deal with education as a whole but focused attention on different
levels of education. But this commission has a comprehensive review of the
Entire Educational System.
The commission believed
that education is the most powerful instrument of the national development. The
crucial role of education in national development appears in all its vividness
on every page of the report.
The international
composition of the commission is also significant. So that the commission included
7 Indian members and 5 others; 1 each from Japan, France, U.K., U.S.A. and
USSR. Besides, 20 consultants from different countries of the world were
Terms of Reference
Report of the Kothari Commission
Section I: deal with
general problems.
Section II: deal with
education at different stages and in different sectors.
Section III: deals with
implementation of the various recommendations and programmes suggested by the commission.
Section IV: consists of
supplementary papers.
The programmes of educational reconstructions
proposed in this report fall into three broad categories:
Internal transformation of
the educational system
Qualitative improvement of
education and
Expansion of educational
Recommendations of the Kothari Education Commission
i) Education and National Objectives
In order to relate education, the
commission recommended the following objectives;
Increase in Productivity
Promoting social and
National Integration
Education and
Developing social, moral
and spiritual values.
Increase in Productivity
The Commission suggested that
education must be related to productivity to increase national income. In order
to link education and productivity the Indian Education Commission made the
following recommendations:
a. Science is the basic component of education and culture; so it
should be made an integral part of school education.
To inculcate the value of
manual work the commission recommended the introduction of work experience in
school education.
c. To meet the increasing needs of technical personnel in Industry,
agriculture and trade the commission recommended introducing vocational
subjects in school curriculum. It also opined that the vocationalisation will
bring education into closer relationship with productivity.
2) Promoting social and National Integration
The commission made the following
recommendations for strengthening social and national integration through
a. To make education a powerful instrument of national development,
common school system of public education should be adopted.
Bridge the gulf between
the educated and the uneducated intellectuals and masses, social and national
service should be made an integral part of school education.
c. A language is a firm adhesive for social and national
integration, suitable provisions should be made for teaching mother tongue,
Hindi and other Modern Indian languages in schools.
3. Education and Modernization
The present society is the science
based society and had rapid social change. In the situation of change, the
school must always be alert if it is to keep abreast of significant changes. To
keep pace with modernization the International Education Commission (IEC) is of
the opinion that “greater emphasis must be placed on vocational subjects,
science education and research.”
4. Social, moral and spiritual values
To cultivate the social, moral and
spiritual values among students the commission made the following
The Central and State
governments should adopt measures to introduce education in moral, social and
spiritual values in all institutions
In order to develop
social, moral and religious values, some periods should be provided in the time
table. Instruction of this type should be given by general teachers.
The University departments
should be especially concerned with the ways in which these values can be
taught wisely and effectively and should undertake preparation of the special
literature for use by students and teacher.
ii) Removing the isolation of Teacher Training:
The commission recommended the teacher
education must be brought into the main stream of academic life of the
universities on one hand and school life and educational developments on the
1) Following were recommended to
remove the existing isolation of teacher education from university life.
a. Education should
be recognized as an independent academic discipline and introduced as an elective
subject in courses for the first and second degree.
b. Schools of
education should be established in selected universities to develop programmes
in teacher education and studies and research in education, in collaboration
with other University discipline.
2) To remove the existing isolation of
teacher education from schools.
Extension work should be
regarded as an essential function of a teacher training institution
Effective alumni
associations should be established to bring old students and faculty together
to plan programmes and curricula.
Practice teaching for
teachers should be organized in active collaboration with selected schools
Periodic exchange of the
staff of the cooperating schools and of the teacher training institutions should
be arranged.
3) An intensive effort should be made
to remove the existing separation among the institutions
Comprehensive colleges of
education should be established in each state.
Establishing a state board
of teacher education in each state to the responsible for all functions related
to teacher education at all levels and in all fields.
iii) Improving Professional Education:
The commission has emphasized the
importance of improving the quality of teacher education. It can be done
Organization of
well-planned subject orientation or content courses in collaboration with university
Introducing integrated
courses of general and professional education in universities.
Using improved method of
teaching and evaluation.
Improving practice
teaching and making it a comprehensive programme of internship.
Developing special
programmes and courses.
Revising the curricula and
programmes at all levels in the light of the fundamental objectives of preparing
teachers for their varied responsibilities in an evolving system of education.
Duration of Training Courses:
The duration of professional courses
should be two years for primary teachers who have completed the secondary
school course. It should be one year for the graduate students; but the number
of working days in a year should be increased to 220.
v) Improving the Quality of Training Institutions:
Secondary Teachers:
The staff of secondary
training colleges should have a double master’s degree in an academic subject
and in education. A fair proportion of them should hold doctorate degrees. They
should all have taken induction or orientation courses in teacher education.
Qualified specialists in
subjects like Psychology, Sociology, Science or Mathematic may be appointed on
the staff even if they have not had professional training.
Summer institutes should
be organized for the in-service training of staff.
No student should be
allowed to specialize in the teaching of a subject unless he has studied it for
his first degree or obtained an equivalent qualification prior to training.
States and Union
territories should adopt a rule that teachers in secondary schools will
ordinarily teach only those subjects which they had studied for a university
Attempts should be made to
recruit first and good second-class students to teacher training institutions
and adequate scholarships should be provided for them.
§ All tuition fees in training institutions should be abolished
and liberal provision made for stipends and loans.
§ Every training institution should have an experimental or a
demonstration school attached to it.
§ Adequate hostel facilities for trainees and residential
accommodation for staff should be provided.
§ Libraries, laboratories, workshops, etc., are very inadequate at
present in most institutions, especially at the primary level. These need to be
§ Expansion of training facilities.
In-service Education of School Teachers
The commission recommended
that every teacher would receive at least two or three month’s in-service
education in every five years of their service.
The programme of summer
institutes for the in-service training of secondary schools should be extended.
Professional Preparation of Teachers in Higher Education
The commission
recommended that the teachers should prepare themselves for higher education. They
should learn higher education for improve their profession.
Standards in Teacher Education
For maintaining standards, the
commission recommended that at the national level the UGC should take the
responsibility for the maintenance of standards in teacher education. The State
Board of Teacher Education should be responsible for the raising of standards
at the state level.
IV. Educational Structure|
The Commission recommended a new
structural pattern of education. The new educational structure should be as
One to three years of
pre-school education.
A primary stage of 7 to 8
years divided into a lower primary stage of 4 or 5 years and a higher primary
stage of 3 or 2 years.
A lower secondary stage of
3 or 2 years of general education or 1 to 3 years of vocational education.
A higher secondary stage
of 2 years of general education or 1 to 3 years of vocational education,
50% of the total would be
under vocational education,
A higher education stage
of 3 years or more for the first degree course followed by courses of varying
durations for the second or research degrees.
The structural pattern
thus recommended by the commission is commonly known as 10+2+3.
Let us know the structural pattern of
Pre-school education from
1 to 3 years should also be given.
General education should
last for a period of 10 years( 4 years of lower primary, 3 years of higher
primary and 3 years of lower secondary education)
Higher secondary education
should be fixed for 2 years
Degree course should be of
3 years
The age of admission to
class I should not be less than 6+
The first public external
examination should come at the end of the first 10 years of schooling
Secondary schools should
be of two types:
Ø High schools providing a 10 years’ course and
Ø Higher secondary schools providing a course of 11 or 12 years
A new higher secondary
course consisting of classes XI and XII should be introduced. The
pre-university courses should be transferred from Universities and added to the
secondary schools.
The Commission has been
suggested the re-organisation of the university stage. At this stage, the three
year degree has been favoured by the Commission.
Ishwar Bhai Patel Committee (1977)
The All India Council of
Technical Education at a meeting held during the year 1974-75, made important recommendations relating to the
establishment of appropriate links between industry and educational research institutions,
programmes of vocational education and the establishment of teacher training
centres in the field of management education. With the passage of time, the
Review Committee on the curriculum, for the ten years schooling, popularly
known as Ishwar Bhai Patel Committee (1977), categorically recommended in its
report for the compulsory introduction of Socially Useful Productive Work
(SUPW) at the secondary schools.
Main concept the report (1977)
The Ishwarbhai Patel
Committee Report (1977), while reviewing NCERT’s ten-year school curriculum
framework (1975), observed that the curriculum should be capable of relating
learning “closely to socially productive manual work and the socio-economic
situation of the country” and making it available “in such a way that working
and learning can always be combined.”
Preferring to term
“purposive, meaningful, manual work” in the curriculum as Socially Useful
Productive Work (SUPW), the Committee observed: “The purpose of demarcating a
distinct curricular area as Socially Useful Productive Work is to emphasise the
principle that education should be work-centred”.
Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW)
Education Commission, 1964-66, identified work experience
and social service
as essential elements of purposeful education. These
two elements were integrated into a holistic concept andwas re-named Socially Useful Productive
Work (SUPW) by the Ishwarbhai
Patel Review Committee (1978).
Aim of this curricular area
The aim of this curricular area is to provide children with
opportunities of participating in social and economic activities inside and
outside the classroom, enabling them to understand scientific principles and
processes involved in different types of work and in the setting in which they
are found in the physical and social environment. It must not be confined to
the four walls of the school, nor can they be provided by the teacher only.
Programmes should, therefore, be so planned and implemented that the local
community, community development organizations and governmental agencies
participate in them and cooperate with the school.
Curriculum for the Ten-Year School – A Framework’
The Ishwarbhai Patel
Committee Report (1977) reviewed NCERT’s document entitled ‘The Curriculum for
the Ten-Year School – A Framework’ published in 1975 and observed that the
10-year curriculum should be capable of:
Molding the learner after
the image of citizen as visualised in the Constitution
Releasing learning from
its bookishness and elitist character so as to relate it closely to socially
productive manual work and the socio-economic situation of the country;
Emphasizing the qualities
of simplicity, integrity, tolerance and cooperation in all aspects of life; and
Being available to every
individual in such a way that working and learning can always be combined.
Impact of Socially Useful Productive Work
After the recommendations
of 'Ishwarbhai Patel Committee' (July, 1977), which first coined the term
'Socially Useful Productive Work' or SUPW, the subject was first introduced to
the school curriculum in
1978, by Ministry of Education, Government of India. A
period was allotted in the time-table for this purpose. The main purpose of
this scheme was to inculcate in learners, the liking and love for the dignity
of labour. To begin with, there was much enthusiasm for the implementation of
SUPW. But as time went on, initiative and zeal gradually slackened. In-fact,
tangible result was not achieved. This explains the wide-spread continuing
practice of confusing vocational education with the pedagogic role of work in
Malcolm S. Adiseshiah
Committee (1978)
A Committee was appointed
under the Chairmanship of Macolm S. Adiseshiah on 1978, for higher secondary
education and the report was entitled ‘Learning to do, towards the Learning and
Working socially. It also recommended for SUPW at the school level and vocationalisation
of the higher secondary education. It also pleaded eloquently for the effective
implementation of relating education to productivity.
Major recommendations of
the Committee
Learning must be based on
Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW) or through vocationalised courses
Vocational courses should
be in agriculture and related rural occupational areas
In the general and
vocationalised educational spectrum there should be no rigid streaming of
courses. In accordance with the availability of facilities and the demand of
the area, each school should be allowed to offer such general and vocational courses
The higher secondary stage
should comprise of a general education spectrum and a vocational spectrum
The curriculum should be
so structured that the courses lend themselves for imparting instruction
interns of well-connected modules to enable the students to choose and combine
them according to their needs
On a priority basis books
should be written suiting to the local needs for imparting instruction in
vocational courses
Semester pattern and
credit system should be introduced in classes XI and XII;
To start with counseling
and placement officers be appointed in clusters of 3 or 4 schools, particularly
in rural areas
Services of persons who
have had actual experience of on the job may be fruitfully utilized to teach
vocational courses. Wherever necessary part-time teachers may be appointed. In
respect of teachers of vocational courses there should not be insistence on
post-graduate qualification; and
For bringing about
proposed changes at this stage of education both pre-service and in-service
teacher education programme should be properly organised.
New Education Policy
The National Policy on
Education (NPE) or New Education Policy-1986 is formulated by the Government of
India to promote education. The policy covers elementary education to
collegiate education in both rural and urban India. The first NPE was
introduced in 1968 by the government of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, and the
second by Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1986. This new policy called for “special
emphasis on the removal of disparities and to equalize educational opportunity”
of New Education Policy-1986:
To strengthen the principles of equity, freedom and self-dependence.
To promote national unity and spirit of excellence
To develop a broad national outlook among the
features of the policy
System of Education:
To following criteria were recommended for the National System of
Promote Quality education
Follow the 10+2+3
Developing a national
curricular framework
Fixing minimum level of
Competencies for each
stage of education
Encourage Science
Work experience at all
of education at all levels
Enrolled and retained in schools
Public-centered methods
Operation Black-Board
Individualized Instruction
Eliminate ‘Stagnation’
Non-formal system of education
Vocationalization of Secondary Education
Navodaya Schools
All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE)
was formed to enhance the technical education,
- Autonomous colleges
have been opened in large numbers
- Autonomy will be encouraged for departments in
the universities
- Delinking of Degrees from Jobs
have been followed in selected areas
maintain Equality:
This policy provides equal
opportunities to all for education. Navodaya schools have been opened for
socially and economically deprived but to talented children. Regional imbalances
are also being removed
Education of Scheduled Castes:
Scholarships, hostel
facilities, adult education programmes are being introduced to socially and
economically deprived scheduled castes students.
New Education Policy gave
special emphasis to women’s education. This statement owes that women are the
keys to nation’s progress. Eradication of illiteracy, vocational curriculum,
nutrition and child care courses, home management, etc., are given priority.
Education for Tribes:
This policy gave main
emphasis to the education of tribes. Residential Ashram Schools have been
opened for them; and scholarships for higher education are also given to them.
Adult Education:
Education Policy gave a
programme for adult education to remove the illiteracy from the masses. For
this, adult schools, libraries, distance education, T.V. programmes are being
Education for Other Backward Classes
A large
number of backward classes, minority classes have not been given any opportunity
for education. Scholarships, hostel facilities, adult education programmes are
being introduced to socially and economically deprived Other Backward Classes
Integrated Education for Disabled
To integrate disabled
children with mild handicaps with others in common schools, a revised scheme of
Integrated Education for Disabled Children was started during 1987-88. Under
it, cent percent financial assistance is given to State Governments/UT
administrations/voluntary organisations for creating necessary facilities in
Educational concessions to children of the defense personnel:
The Centre, State
Governments and Union Territories offer educational concessions to children of
the defense personnel and paramilitary forces killed or permanently disabled
during Indo-China hostilities in 1962 and Indo-Pakistan operations in 1965 and
1971. During 1988, these concessions were extended to children of IPKF/CRPF
personnel who were killed/disabled during action in Sri Lanka and children of
the armed forces personnel killed/disabled in action in ‘Operation Meghadoot’
in Siachen area
The following are the special
provisions for SCs and STs have been incorporated in the existing schemes:
§ Relaxed norms for opening of primary schools
A primary school within
one km walking distance from habitations of 200 population instead of habitations
of 300 population;
§ Abolition of tuition fee in all states in government schools at
least up to primary level.,
§ Providing incentives like free text-books, uniforms, stationery,
school bags, etc.,
§ Reservation of seats for SCs and STs in Central Government
institutions of higher education including IITs, IIMs, Regional Engineering
College, Central Universities, Kendriya Vidyalayas and Navodaya Vidyalayas,
etc. Apart from reservation, there is also relaxation in the minimum qualifying
cut off stages for admission in universities, colleges and technical
institutions. The UGC has established SC/ST cells in 104 universities to ensure
proper implementation of the reservation policy;
§ To improve academic skills and linguistic proficiency and raising
their level of comprehension, remedial and special coaching is provided for
SC/ST students
for Minorities:
In pursuance of the
revised Programme of Action (POA) 1992, two new Centrally-sponsored schemes,
(i) Scheme of Area Intensive Programme for Educationally Backward
Minorities, and
(ii) Scheme of Financial Assistance
for Modernisation of Madrasa Education were launched during 1993-94
New schemes launched under NPE:
Serva Siksha Abiyan for Universalisation
of Education
National Testing Service
Minimum Levels of Learning (MLL)
Navodaya Schools
Delinking Degrees from Jobs
Programme of Action (1992)
The National Policy on
Education (NPE), 1986, aimed at making it “an effective instrument for taking
the country into the 21st century”. It envisages improvement and expansion of
education in all sectors; elimination of disparities in access and stress on
improvement in the quality and relevance of basic education. A modified NPE in
its Programme of Action, 1992, called for making the `plus two stage part of
school education throughout the country.
Major Recommendations
(i) Universalisation of
Elementary Education
Universal access,
universal retention, and Minimum Levels of Learning (MLL) are the broad
parameters to achieve Universalisation of Elementary Education. These are aimed
at providing school facilities within a walking distance of 1 km. for children
of primary schools, and 3 kms for children of upper primary schools and strengthening
of alternate mode of education, non-formal education for school drop-outs, working
children, and girls and Minimum Levels of Learning at the primary and upper
primary stage.
(ii) Nutritional Support
Mid-day Meal Scheme was launched
on August 15, 1995, intended to give a boost to primary education by increasing
enrolment, retention and attendance in schools and at the same time augmenting
nutritional levels.
(iii) Operation Blackboard
Improving classroom
environment by providing infrastructural facilities, additional teachers and
teaching - learning materials to primary schools are the aim scheme of
Operation Blackboard. Significant progress has been made in the area of teacher
training with 444 District Institutes of Education and Training (DIETs)
sanctioned to provide pre-service and in-service training to elementary school
teachers, for adult education and non-formal education personnel.
(iv) National Literacy
Making 100 million persons
literate was the target of National Literacy Mission (NLM) which was set up in
1988. Under Total Literacy Campaign ( TLC ) and Post Literacy Campaign ( PLC )
68.57 million persons covering 447 districts were made literate. Out of these,
60 percent are women, 23 percent SCs, and 12 percent STs.
(v) Equal Opportunities
For equal opportunities to
the minorities, a provision of Rs.8.8 crore has been made in the Annual Plan
outlay of 1998-99 in the Area Intensive Programme for Educationally Backward
Minorities, Modernisation of Madarsas and coaching classes by UGC. A programme
to provide educational opportunities to disabled children on par with mild to moderate
disabilities in the general schools system has been prepared.
(vi) Secondary Education
To improve the quality of secondary
education, the number of secondary and senior secondary schools has increased
from 0.07 lakh in 1950-51 to 1.02 lakh in 1996-97, resulting in not only an
increase in the enrolment but also increase in the number of teachers,
including female teachers. The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan manages Kendriya
(vii) Technical Education
All India Council for
Technical Education (AICTE) has issued regulations for establishment of new institutions
and starting new courses to streamline Technical Education
(ix) University and Higher Education
To improve the quality of Higher Education, all the Central Universities except the Indira Gandhi National
Open University are funded by the Central Government through the University
Grants Commission. IGNOU is funded directly by the Central Government for
promoting the distance education system.
Sachar Committee (2005)
For preparation of a report on the social, economic and
educational status of the Muslim community of India, Rajinder Sachar Committee
was appointed by the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. It was a high level
.Recommendations of
Sachar Committee
Sachar Committee report put forward some recommendations for the upliftment of
minorities and implementation of these recommendations would strengthen the
secular fabric of Indian society as well as increase patriotism due to their
all-inclusive progress. Following are the recommendations:
1. Mechanisms to ensure equity and equality of opportunity and
eliminate discrimination
2. Creation of a National Data Bank (NDB) where all relevant
data for various Socio Religious Communities are maintained
3. Formation of an autonomous Assessment and Monitoring
Authority to evaluate the extent of development benefits.
4. An Equal Opportunity Commission should be constituted to look
into the grievances of the deprived groups.
5. Elimination of the anomalies with respect to reserved
constituencies under the delimitation scheme.
6. The idea of providing certain incentives to a diversity index
should be explored to ensure equal opportunities in education, governance,
private employment, and housing.
7. A process of evaluating the content of the school text books
needs to be initiated and institutionalized.
8. The UGC should evolve a system where part of the allocation
to colleges and universities is linked to the diversity in the student
9. Providing hostel facilities at reasonable costs for students
from minorities must be taken up on a priority basis.
10. The Committee recommended promoting and enhancing access to
Muslims in Priority Sector Bank Advances.
11. Policy initiatives that improve the participation and share
of the Minorities, particularly Muslims in the business of regular commercial
12. The community should be represented on interview panels and
Boards. The underprivileged should be helped to utilize new opportunities in
its high growth phase through skill development and education.
13. Providing financial and other support to initiatives built
around occupations where Muslims are concentrated and have growth potential.
features of National Curriculum Framework (2005)
National Curriculum
Framework (NCF) developmental process was initiated in November, 2004 by
setting up various structures like National Steering Committee chaired by Prof.
Yash Pal and twenty-one National Focus Groups on themes of curricular areas, systemic
reforms and national concerns.
Different levels of stakeholders
helped in shaping the draft of NCF. The draft NCF was translated into 22 languages
listed in the VIII Schedule of the Constitution. The NCF was approved by
Central Advisory Board on Education in September, 2005.
Major Observations and
Chapter 1: Perspective
Knowledge should be
connected to life outside the school
Learning should be shifted
away from rote methods
Curriculum should be
enriched to provide overall development of children rather than remaining
textbook centric.
The national system of
education in a pluralistic society should be strengthened
The curriculum load should
be reduced
Curricular practices should
be based on the values enshrined in the Constitution
Quality education for all
children should be ensured.
2: Learning and Knowledge
• Holistic approach in the treatment of learner’s development
• Inclusive environment in the classroom for all students
• The learners should be made active through experiential mode.
• Adequate room for voicing children’s thinking, curiosity
questions in curriculum practices should be provided.
• Knowledge across disciplinary boundaries to provide broader
frame for insightful construction of knowledge should be connected.
• Observing, exploring, discovering, analyzing, critical
reflection, etc should be considered as important as the content of knowledge.
Activities for developing
critical perspectives on socio-cultural realities need to find space in curricular
• Local knowledge and children’s experience are essential
components of textbooks and pedagogic practices.
Chapter 3: Curriculum Areas, School and Assessment
Implement 3-language
Emphasis on mother tongue
as medium of instruction.
Curriculum should contain
multi-lingual proficiency only if mother tongue is considered as second
Focus on all skills
Focuses on teaching
Mathematics, Sciences, Social sciences, Art Education, Health and Physical
Education, Education for Peace, Work and Education.
4: School and Classroom Environment
Availability of minimum
infrastructure and material facilities for quality improvement
Specific activities
ensuring participation of all children – able and disabled – are essential conditions
for learning by all.
Participation of community
members in sharing knowledge and experience in a subject area
Audio/video programmes on
NCF-2005 and text-books.
Source-book on learning
Exemplar problems in
Science and Mathematics.
Science and Mathematics
Teachers’ handbooks and
Teacher Training Packages.
Developed syllabi and
text-books in new areas such as Heritage Craft, Media Studies, Art
Education, Health and
Physical Education, etc.
Initiatives in the area of
ECCE (Early Childhood Care Education), Gender, Inclusive
Education, Peace,
Vocational Education, Guidance and Counseling, ICT, etc. Decentralized planning
of school calendar and daily schedule and autonomy for teachers professionalism
practices are basic to creating a learning environment.
5: System Reforms
• Common school system is desirable to ensure comparable quality
in different region of the country
• A broad framework for planning upwards, beginning with schools
for identifying focus areas
Meaningful academic
planning has to be done in a participatory manner by headmasters and teachers.
• Monitoring quality must be seen as a process of sustaining interaction
with individual schools in terms of teaching-learning processes.
Teacher education
programmes need to be reformulated and strengthened
In-service education needs
to become a catalyst for change in school practices
Shift from content-based
testing to problem-solving , Examination with a ‘flexible time limit’ and setting up of a single nodal agency for
coordinating the design and conduct of entrance examinations are reducing the
Vocational Education and
Training (VET) need to be implemented
Availability of multiple textbooks to widen
teachers’ choices
Sharing of teaching experiences and diverse
classroom practices to generate new ideas and facilitate innovation and
Development of syllabi,
textbooks and teaching learning resources could be carried out in a
decentralized and participatory manner involving teachers, experts from
universities, NGOs and teachers’ organizations
Knowledge Commission (2005)
On June 13, 2005, the
Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh constituted the National
Knowledge Commission (NKC) as a think-tank to advise the Prime
Minister’s Office (PMO) on policy related to education, research institutes and
reforms needed to make India competitive in the knowledge economy.
Objectives of National
Knowledge Commission
Following are the main
objectives of National knowledge Commission (NKC):
Transforming India into
knowledge society
Strengthen the education
system, promote domestic research and innovation, and facilitate knowledge
application in sectors like health, agriculture, and industry
Leverage information and
communication technologies to enhance governance and improve connectivity
Devise mechanisms for
exchange and interaction between knowledge systems in the global arena.
The scope of National
Knowledge Commission
The scope of NKC is
confined to a variety of subject areas such as language, translations,
libraries, networks, portals, distance learning, intellectual property,
entrepreneurship, application in agriculture, health, small and medium scale
industries, e-governance, etc. National Knowledge Commission has emerged as a
powerful and democratic source of information and knowledge on the Internet.
Knowledge Paradigm
The National Knowledge Commission covers five focus areas
of the knowledge paradigm. They are
- Access,
- Concepts,
- Creation,
- Applications and
- Services
NKC was established with
an aim to provide equal opportunities by providing access to knowledge. It is
the most fundamental way of reaching to the citizens. Access to knowledge deals
with providing the accurate knowledge to general public in the following way:
1. Right to Education : Following are the recommendation on Right to Education
Legislation at the
national level is required to affirm the Right to Education
The Central Government
must provide additional funds required to ensure the Right to Education
To ensure a minimum
quality of education, it is important to have a schedule of norms for all
schools to follow
It is necessary to specify
norms for teacher qualification and training
Language: It proposed to
formulate a National Plan for the teaching of English as a language, in
addition to the regional language, starting in Class I. It will also be ensured
that student at the end of twelve years of schooling is proficient in at least
two languages.
Libraries: Libraries foster
global access to information and they are central hubs of our knowledge. The
following are its recommendations:
a) Set up a National Commission on Libraries
b) Prepare a National Census of all Libraries
c) Revamp LIS Education, Training, and Research facilities
d) Re-assess staffing of Libraries
e) Set up a Central Library Fund
f) Modernize Library management
g) Encourage greater community participation in Library
h) Promote Information Communication Technology (ICT)
applications in all Libraries
i) Facilitate donations and maintenance of private collections
j) Encourage Public Private Partnerships in LIS development
4. Infrastructure: Recommended to enhance the ICT infrastructure. Set certain
norms regarding infrastructure, number of teachers per school and per student,
teaching methods and other facilities, etc. must be adhere to as necessary
National knowledge network:
NKC recommended for Knowledge Networks, and Health Information Network as they
purposefully led social entities that are characterized by a commitment to
quality, rigor, and a focus on outcomes
Portals: NKC initiated to set
up portals on certain key areas such as Water, Energy, Environment, Education,
Food, Health, Agriculture, Employment, Citizen Rights, etc.
Health information network: A
common Electronic Health Record needs to be created and disseminated widely
School Education: Its
recommendations suggested for providing universal access to quality school
education as a cornerstone of development for Knowledge Society. It further
insisted for making it Central Legislation at the national level to affirm the
Right to Education, which is a fundamental right mandated by Article 21A of
Constitution, Government of India.
Vocational Education Training:
NKC recommends for a model of imparting vocational education that is flexible,
sustainable, inclusive, and creative. It suggests for significant increase in
public and private investment in Vocational Education and Training (VET). It
also put forward that the quality and image of VET needs to be actively
promoted in order to view it as comparable, and relevant general secondary
Higher Education: having
1500 universities nationwide and establishment of an Independent Regulatory
Authority for Higher Education (IRAHE). The grant for higher education should
increase to at least 1.5 percent of GDP, out of a total of at least 6 per cent
of GDP for education. It also recommended for creation of 50 National
Universities which provide education of the highest standard. Also gave
suggestions on reforms in existing universities, restructuring of existing
under graduate colleges and promoting enhanced quality of education
Open and Distance Education and Open Education Resources: It is important to enhance the ICT infrastructure. Websites and
web-based services would improve transparency and accountability. A portal on
higher education and research would increase interaction and accessibility. A
knowledge network would connect all universities and colleges for online open
Creation: Creating the
knowledge or help in protecting the knowledge
Intellectual Property Right: For
the development of effective legal systems for IPR enforcement and availability
of accurate and detailed ready-to-use IPR information. It also recommended for
the development of a vibrant IPR culture in the processes of knowledge
creation, application and dissemination connected especially with market demand
and rewards
Legal Framework for Public Funded Research: National Science and Social Science Foundation Innovation Entrepreneurship
was set up for Legal Framework for Public Funded Research
1. Traditional Health
System : NKC suggested enhancing India’s
Ayurveda, yoga and other traditional health-care systems, establishment of a
10-year national mission on traditional health sciences of India with an
initial investment of Rs1,000 crore. It also recommended for enrichment of
digitization of India’s medical manuscripts project ‘Traditional Knowledge
Digital Library’ (TKDL).
2. Agriculture: It is must to apply knowledge in fields of agriculture and
agricultural education where productivity can be increased. It is necessary to
set up portal for agriculture
Enhancing Quality of Life: Enhancing
Quality of Life, NKC suggested quality
in education
1. E-governence: NKC’s major recommendations are to re-engineer government
processes, and change the basic governance pattern. Similarly to select some
important services that make a significant difference, simplify them and offer
them with web interface.
It covers almost all the important fields and factors that
affect India to become knowledge economy. It is highly appreciable that the
main thrust of the report is on education for achieving rapid and inclusive
growth with special emphasis on expansion, excellence and equity. For becoming
a global knowledge leader and for taking ‘knowledge edge’, India needs to be in
the forefront of creation, application and dissemination of knowledge.
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